- RSEC Hired to Study Cost Impacts of Competency-Based Systems - RSEC, working with the National Center for Innovation in Education at the University of Kentucky, has been asked to determine the cost impact of applying a competency-based education system to high schools across the country. This study seeks to understand the impact of allowing students, across a great variety of school systems, to complete competency […]
- RSEC Launches Comprehensive Kentucky Adequacy Study - UPDATE: This study has been completed and resulted on both an Evidence and a Financial Change report . See both in our Portfolio. Led by Executive Director Michael Goetz, RSEC and Picus Odden and Associates are performing an Adequacy study of Kentucky’s school finance system: Adequacy for Excellence. This study will include a State Comparative Analysis and an adequacy […]
- RSEC Receives Funding From the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, RSEC will complete work on the Resource Alignment: Spending Money Smartly project. Specifically, RSEC will complete a search of resource allocation tools (e.g. software-based programs, processes, and frameworks) that offer districts a medium by which to analyze current fiscal allocation, consider other fiscal allocation strategies, and in the end assist […]
- RSEC to Conduct Independent Review of Maine’s Funding System - Working with Lawrence O. Picus and Associates, RSEC is a partner in performing Equity, Adequacy and School Resource Studies for the Maine Office of Program Evaluation & Government Accountability. These studies seek to analyze whether 1) Maine meets traditional equity standards of school funding, 2) the Essential Program and Services (EPS) formula provides adequate resources for all […]
- RSEC to Complete Texas Adequacy Study - Working with the Fort Bent and Calhoun County Plaintiffs, Lawrence O. Picus and Associates, in partnership with RSEC, will create a school finance funding model for Estimating the Cost of an Adequate Education for Texas School Districts Using the Evidence-Based Approach. This model and the accompanying final report served as evidence in the plaintiff’s trial. Funding: Fort Bent Plaintiffs and Calhoun […]